Dear Sister, Your Time Will Come
If you think I have it all together, you’re so mistaken. I wanted a lot as a kid, I wanted a lot as a teenager, I wanted even more as an adult. My life didn’t start to come together until my mid 20’s, but by that point I was so broken I had nothing BUT God. I was so broken and so tired I couldn’t do anything BUT be held by God.
That’s when life started to change for the better. Not because I didn’t want anymore, not because I had everything in place; but because I finally put my broken heart into His hand and I allowed Him to have everything I did have. No it wasn’t easy, and I know it isn’t easy for so many of you. I wish I could help you, I wish I could give you all your hearts desires but that’s not my place, and guess what? It isn’t yours either. I wish I could tell you it is going to be okay and God is going to fulfill some (not all) of your wants. Yet I know for a lot of you... you will simply see the woman who is happily married with children and a home, you'll just think, "She has it all together, what does she know?" "She's living the dream, what can she tell me?!" ...and you won’t stop to think, “How did she get there?” “What were her struggles?” heck, "What ARE her struggles?"
But sis, I promise, your time will come ❤ Focus on the One who is outside of time and soon you'll see how beautiful and peaceful it is to walk in HIS ways and outside of yourself 🫶🏼