Dear Sister, Wake Up & Go To Sleep With Gratitude
I wake up every morning my husband goes to work to pack his bag and "send him off" 💜 most days this is at 3am, about 4 hours before the first kid wakes up... as a SBO we tend to overwork ourselves because if we don't, who will?
Well, I was so tired, but I was going to stay up, while waiting for my husband to finish getting dressed I was asking the Lord, "should I stay awake, or should I sleep?"
He answered clearly when I looked down and saw my affirmations app. Wake up (take care of hubs) and go to sleep with gratitude... we have had a lot of crazy things the past year and many haven't been dealt with yet
Broken AC unit
New starter in one car
New tires in that car
New brakes in that car
Needing to fix my car and being out a couple hundred already with no fix yet
A broken garage door
A hurricane
And yesterday we found mold on the ceiling
...but even still, He is providing everything we need. Maybe not what we want, but what we need. So, with gratitude, I went back to sleep.
You may not have everything you want, but I promise, trust in Him and He will provide what you need until your time comes for what you want... and if that time doesn't come, we will still have all we need in Him and boy when we get to the other side that's all that will matter. 💜